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ocaml, mongodb, driver, bson

Hello, welcome to MassD projects.

OCaml is really a beautiful language. Like every other functional programming language, it might be a bit obscure to learn, but once you get it, you will find that it helps you think programming in a totally different new way and helps you understand many classic algorithms deeper and finally you will be addictive. At least, this happened to me although I have just learned OCaml for 4 months.

MongoDB is also awesome. It is fast and easy to setup and scale. The logic inside MongoDB's philosophy on managing data is more human-friendly comparing to SQL. I used MongoDB quite a bit and love it.

As a fan of OCaml and MongoDB, I decide to write a MongoDB driver for ocaml, to sharpen my OCaml skills and get deeper understanding on MongoDB.

Here are my friends, for now

MongoDB is using BSON as its protocol format. The first thing for the OCaml MongoDB Driver is to implement this protocol in OCaml.

The current release of is version 0.88.3. is an OCaml Driver for MongoDB.

The current version of is version 0.66.0