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A bson encoder / decoder in OCaml, built for MongoDB

Download this project as a .zip file Download this project as a tar.gz file is an ocaml implementation for MongoDB BSON protocol.

It includes a Bson document data structure to be used with ocmal, together with BSON's encoding (to bytes) and decoding (from bytes).

Here is its api doc

Usage in a functional way

The logic of usage is like this

  1. Create an empty Bson document
  2. Create the elements you want
  3. Add elements to the document with names
  4. Or remove elements from the document via the names
  5. Get elements from the document via the names
  6. After obtaining an element, get the raw value from the element

The functions inside this module seem to be many, however, most of them are just for creating elements. These functions are to hide the implementation details of the type elements. Also, in this way, the Bson document can be used more safely.

Sample code

let doc = Bson.empty;;
let element = Bson.create_string "world";;
let new_doc = Bson.add_element "hello" element doc;;

let encoded_bytes = Bson.encode new_doc;;
let decoded_doc = Bson.decode encoded_bytes;;

Prequistie does not use any external / 3rd party libraries.

However, ocamlbuild is recommended for the building job, though it is included in ocaml.


In order to taste, please have a look at test/ You can use the following command in the root of the project to run it:

ocamlbuild -I src test/test_bson.native

Ocamlfind support

The META file is supplied in the root of project. Also the _build folder is provided together with the source.

If you want to directly use it as a library via ocamlfind, please do

ocamlfind install bson META _build/src/bson.cmx _build/src/bson.cmo _build/src/bson.cmi _build/src/bson.o

Further information

Please refer to the Official Bson specification for more information.

Please refer to this excellent answer for more information about "how to let ocamlfind to find your lib"

The current version is 0.88.5

Yes, I would like to call this utility as instead of ocamlbson, or something like that.

In addition, experienced ocaml developers are welcomed to improve the code base