Index of values

add_element [Bson]
Create an empty Bson document

buildInfo [MongoAdmin]

collStats [MongoAdmin]
connPoolStats [MongoAdmin]
create [Mongo]
create a Mongo.
create [MongoAdmin]
create a MongoAdmin.
create_boolean [Bson]
create_delete [MongoRequest]
create a delete reuqest.
create_doc_element [Bson]
create_double [Bson]
create_get_more [MongoRequest]
create a get_more request.
create_header [MongoHeader]
create a general header.
create_insert [MongoRequest]
create an insert request.
create_int32 [Bson]
create_int64 [Bson]
create_jscode [Bson]
create_jscode_w_s [Bson]
create_kill_cursors [MongoRequest]
create a kill_cursors request.
create_list [Bson]
create_local_default [Mongo]
create a Mongo connecting to, port 27017.
create_local_default [MongoAdmin]
create a MongoAdmin connecting to, port 27017.
create_maxkey [Bson]
create_minkey [Bson]
create_null [Bson]
create_objectId [Bson]
create_query [MongoRequest]
create a query request.
create_regex [Bson]
create_request_header [MongoHeader]
create a request header.
create_string [Bson]
create_update [MongoRequest]
create an update request.
create_user_binary [Bson]
create_utc [Bson]
cur_timestamp [MongoUtils]
cursorInfo [MongoAdmin]

decode [Bson]
Decode bytes (assuming type string as a carrier) to a Bson document
decode_cstring [MongoUtils]
decode_header [MongoHeader]
decode a str (received from MongoDB) to a header
decode_int32 [MongoUtils]
decode_int64 [MongoUtils]
decode_reply [MongoReply]
decode a string received from MongoDB to a MongoReply
delete_all [Mongo]
delete the all documents matched in MongoDB.
delete_one [Mongo]
delete the first document matched in MongoDB.
destory [Mongo]
destory a Mongo.
destory [MongoAdmin]
destory a MongoAdmin.

empty [Bson]
The empty Bson document
encode [Bson]
Encode a Bson document to bytes (using type string as a carrier)
encode_cstring [MongoUtils]
encode_header [MongoHeader]
encode the header to string, so it can be combined with the message body and sent
encode_int32 [MongoUtils]
encode_int64 [MongoUtils]

find [Mongo]
find all / the default number of documents in the db and collection.
find_of_num [Mongo]
find the desired number of documents in the db and collection.
find_one [Mongo]
find the first document in the db and collection.
find_q [Mongo]
find all / the default number of documents in the db and collection matching the bson query.
find_q_of_num [Mongo]
find the desired number of documents in the db and collection matching the bson query.
find_q_one [Mongo]
find the first document in the db and collection matching the bson query.
find_q_s [Mongo]
find all / the default number of documents in the db and collection matching the bson query, each document returned will only contains elements specified in the selector doc.
find_q_s_of_num [Mongo]
find the desired number of documents in the db and collection matching the bson query, each document returned will only contains elements specified in the selector doc.
find_q_s_one [Mongo]
find the first documents in the db and collection matching the bson query, each document returned will only contains elements specified in the selector doc.

getCmdLineOpts [MongoAdmin]
get_boolean [Bson]
get_collection_name [Mongo]
get_collection_name [MongoAdmin]
get_cursor [MongoReply]
get the cursor_id out of a MongoReply
get_db_name [Mongo]
get_db_name [MongoAdmin]
get_doc_element [Bson]
get_document_list [MongoReply]
get the document list returned out of a MongoReply
get_double [Bson]
get_element [Bson]
Get an element from a Bson document via its name
get_file_descr [Mongo]
get_file_descr [MongoAdmin]
get_function_binary [Bson]
get_generic_binary [Bson]
get_header [MongoReply]
get the MongoHeader out of a MongoReply
get_int32 [Bson]
get_int64 [Bson]
get_ip [Mongo]
get_ip [MongoAdmin]
get_jscode [Bson]
get_jscode_w_s [Bson]
get_list [Bson]
get_maxkey [Bson]
get_md5_binary [Bson]
get_message_len [MongoHeader]
get the message length out of a header
get_minkey [Bson]
get_more [Mongo]
get all / the default number of documents via a cursor_id.
get_more_of_num [Mongo]
get the desired number of documents via a cursor_id.
get_null [Bson]
get_num_returned [MongoReply]
get the number of items returned out of a MongoReply
get_objectId [Bson]
get_op [MongoHeader]
get the operation out of a header
get_port [Mongo]
get_port [MongoAdmin]
get_regex [Bson]
get_request_id [MongoHeader]
get the request id out of a header
get_response_flags [MongoReply]
get the response_flags field out of a MongoReply
get_response_to [MongoHeader]
get the response_to id out of a header
get_starting_from [MongoReply]
get the starting_from field out of a MongoReply
get_string [Bson]
get_timestamp [Bson]
get_user_binary [Bson]
get_utc [Bson]
get_uuid_binary [Bson]

hostInfo [MongoAdmin]

insert [Mongo]
insert a list of bson documents into MongoDB.
is_empty [Bson]
Check whether this Bson document empty or not

kill_cursors [Mongo]
kill a list of cursors, to save MongoDB resources.

listCommands [MongoAdmin]
listDatabases [MongoAdmin]

of_code [MongoOperation]
convert an int32 to an operation, Unknwon_op_code will be raised if the code cannot be recognised

print_buffer [MongoUtils]

remove_element [Bson]
Remove an element from a Bson document

send_no_reply [MongoSend]
this function just send a string out via the supplied file_descr.
send_with_reply [MongoSend]
this function will send the string and wait for a response as a MongoReply
serverStatus [MongoAdmin]

to_code [MongoOperation]
convert an operation to an int32
to_simple_json [Bson]
to_string [MongoReply]
convert a MongoReply to a human readable string
to_string [MongoHeader]
convert a header to a human readable string

update_all [Mongo]
update all documents matched in MongoDB.
update_one [Mongo]
update the first document matched in MongoDB.